The 90,000-ton strategic reserve plan can be implemented.

At present, 90,000 tons of crude oil can be produced in half a year. Except for OPEC members, West Asia and Angola should produce about 10 million tons of crude oil every year.
If the purchase volume and high price are increased, these two regions can cope with 30 thousand tons for more than half a year.
In addition, Oman and Samba should have more than 50,000 tons.
The recent crude oil demand in Mobei, a mining industry controlled by the state, has also increased from 220,000 barrels per day to 510,000 barrels per day. If it is produced at full capacity, it can rise to 650,000 barrels per day, and the output will increase by about 10,000 tons in half a year.
Crude oil in Central Asia
Patchwork can barely scrape together 450 thousand tons.
The remaining 450,000 tons can be purchased from OPEC and the United States.
Soon, two barrels of oil will ensure the stability of China’s energy, and the international oil price will be further raised by increasing the amount of international crude oil purchases. International crude oil suppliers do not know the hidden dangers behind this.
The mining alliance also stepped forward to obtain a 320,000-ton crude oil contract from Samba through Vale; Obtained 5.34 million tons of crude oil from Australia for half a year.
Add two barrels of oil and bite the bullet and buy an additional 150,000 tons of crude oil from Little Venice in Latin America.
Other areas also obtained a lot of crude oil through price increase procurement.
After some efforts, we finally managed to scrape together a share of 90,000 tons, and the state-sealed oilfield was also producing at full capacity, producing as much as possible and preparing more.
This crude oil is a year of ammunition, and there is no turning back. One of the two sides must dump it.
June 2 nd
Time blog, a gossip has flowed in the oil society circle.
[Oil prices in energy crisis countries may hit a new high this year due to the impact of OPEC’s production cuts …]
This blog post was quickly broadcast by the oil society and then spread to the whole time blog and then to the internet in China
Then the account was forced to be sealed and deleted, but the consequences of doing so were obvious.
In particular, on July 1, the price of Guocheng Oil rose by 50 cents in a low-key way, which directly settled the matter.
Concerns about high oil prices have caused many car owners to refuel overnight, which has led to a short-term oil shortage in various places, which seems to be a vicious circle and generally reacts to the energy association’s forecast.
No.749 Longhua East Road, Huangpu District
In the early morning, the front of Sinopec gas station was lined with cars coming to refuel.
Two or three car owners who are self-service refueling are annoyed when they look at the constantly jumping numbers on the fuel meter.
"I heard that China’s oil price will continue to rise. If you add oil once, you will smoke less cigarettes." A car owner complained while refueling.
Another white-collar owner shook his head and joked, "Then quit smoking!"
"Ha ha, the reason behind this is so warm-hearted." Another big fat man joked.
Suddenly, the white-collar worker took a casual look at the refueling next door, which was the refueling of Beijing Control Group.
He saw that the price of methane gas seemed quite cheap, turned around and said, "Lao Wang, which one do you think is lower than burning oil?"
Fat Lao Wang turned around and pulled out the fuel card and looked at the gas price display board next door. Methane gas was 153 yuan per kilogram.
He suddenly became interested in driving next door with some friends to refuel.
After the car, fat Lao Wang saw a Dongfeng van being aerated and leaned over to greet the owner of the van
"Brother, is this car burning natural gas?"
The owner of the lean van took the cigarette handed by Lao Wang and put it in his ear. "Yes! It’s quite convenient to buy it before the Chinese New Year and run downtown to refuel. "
"Which is more cost-effective than this natural gas and gasoline?" Lao Wang asked with interest.
When I heard this, the owner of the lean van also responded with a smile and replied, "Haha, brother, to tell you the truth, burning natural gas is too cost-effective. When my car is a hybrid car, one month’s oil money is enough for me to add one month’s natural gas."
"I am so cost-effective?" Grilled white-collar workers exclaimed.
The owner of the van calculated an account for the three people. Hybrid cars can generally save 6-6% of fuel, and each kilogram of natural gas can generate power equivalent to 55 liters of gasoline or diesel.
That is to say, even if it is also a hybrid gas vehicle, the fuel is less than 4% of the fuel vehicle.
However, the big fat Lao Wang’s car has not been modified, and the fuel gap between them has reached an astonishing 1:1.
"Damn it, it’s a big loss." The white-collar worker patted his forehead. "I shouldn’t have listened to the 4S shop to buy this stupid Toyota."
"No wonder Toyota Hotan’s fuel car discount promotion turned out to be a pothole." Fat Lao Wang woke up.
The owner of the van laughed. "Brother, there is still a way to go to the snail maintenance center in Jinshan District, but it is necessary to put on record. I heard that there is also a 3 yuan subsidy."
"Great" lattice shirt overjoyed.
However, Big Fat is still very cautious. "Will the fuel car change to gas damage the engine?"
One side of the gas filling staff took some advertisements from the counter and handed them to Big Fat and Ge Shan and others. "Dear guests, this is the specific operation process of changing oil into gas. You can look at the transformation and it is best to go to a large regular repair shop."
Fat Lao Wang and Ge Shan took the advertisement and soon found out the specific situation.
There are several schemes for changing fuel vehicles into natural gas, usually adding temperature difference module, gas module, engine module, pool module and control system car without solar pool board.
A whole set will come to about 30 thousand
However, it is not necessary to add gas to the machine or pool, and the temperature difference is about 150,000.
For regular car owners, this transformation will take several years to run 10,000 kilometers a year, and the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers will increase by about one year. The current fuel price is more than 7,000 yuan per liter in 93 yuan.
6~7% fuel can be saved in one year after transformation, and it will take several years to return the fuel.
If you often run long-distance buses and run tens of thousands of kilometers a year, you may return in a year.
However, I am worried that the oil price will continue to rise in the future, and I decided to change from oil to gas.



